Prayer of Lament for Haitian Refugees
God of Humanity, you created all living things. You created humans to be in a special relationship with you and one another. You weep and rage when your people destroy each other.
Why oh God do we rip our sisters and brothers away for trying to look for a better life? You call us to welcome the alien and stranger in our midst, and yet we have sent these people into a place where natural disaster and political gangs run rampant!
God of compassion, help us see in one another the image of You! Enable us to work with Haiti to provide opportunities where there is hopelessness. Clear the way for people in power to actually work together for the greater good!
You, oh God, have allowed the US to be a haven for those in turmoil for many years. Many of Your children have made a new and prosperous life for themselves and their families with your blessing and guidance.
We know you hear your children when they cry out. You are a God of Love, Your will bends toward mercy and justice. Hear us when we pray.
Rev. Jennifer Grantham